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Chemistry and New Zealand


New Zealand's home of the Stain Removal Guide plus detergent, chemistry and New Zealand resources. Chemistry Resources and links, take a break and stop by the New Zealand pages to find out about the Kiwi bird, which is found only in New Zealand. Although primarily a bird of New Zealand�s native forests, kiwis also live in scrub and native grasslands. Because the kiwi is a semi-nocturnal, secretive bird, few New Zealanders have seen their national bird in the wild. Read about the New Zealand Kiwi, our indigenous flightless bird. Have a look at the Waikato Region where this site was originally produced. Find out about the best Skiing and Surfing spots - you can learn our lingo from the Kiwi Slang page - find Fast Facts about our beautiful country - picture the Volcanoes and Glaciers - learn a little about the Maori of New Zealand - peruse the Country's Wildlife and endangered flora, learn and hear New Zealand's National Anthem. such as Acids & Bases, What is a Mole?, What is Chemistry?...who were Ernest Rutherford, Amedeo Avogadro, Henry Moseley and Dmitri Mendeleev? The Crystals area gives recipes for growing Crystals and Crystal Gardens as well as the all important definitions etc. - a rewarding hobby for all ages... Detergent Chemistry is an area in which we have specialised since 1984... The Equations and Redox Reactions are basic guides to understanding the principles of balancing equations

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