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Mirage Bookmark: Beautiful Bookmarks & Web's Largest Reference Site on Bookmarks


Mirage Bookmark Homepage is both: the website of a Swiss producer of bookmarks & web's leading reference site on bookmarks with lots of information and resources, and currently the largest knowledge base on bookmarks on the internet. Mirage Bookmark is a product line of the Swiss company Maner Consulting specializing in the production & distribution of exquisite art bookmarks. Mirage Bookmark's product range contains web's finest etched metal bookmarks with unique cutout & engraved artwork, a popular merchandise in bookshops & gift shops worldwide. Another speciality in the Mirage Bookmark line are the quasi-handmade fine art print card bookmarks which are designed to accompany important exhibitions in leading art museums in Switzerland and international. Our website also hosts a large information base on bookmarks titled - The World of Bookmarks - which contains several sections dedicated to different aspects of bookmarks, such as The History of Bookmarks, Book & Publications, Link Collection, Quotes on Bookmarks, Essays, and Infos for Collectors. The Mirage Bookmark website contains also an extensive bookmark exhibition - The Art of Bookmark - and a list of bookmark collectors from various countries wishing to find friends from all over the world for the purpose of exchanging bookmarks.

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