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Re-evaluation Counseling


A Welcome Message to New Co-Counselors If you are beginning to be interested in Re-evaluation Counseling, or as you begin to learn Re-evaluation Counseling, as you begin to learn to Co-Counsel, I extend a welcome to you from those of us who have been Co-Counseling (and developing and learning Re-evaluation Counseling) for a longer period of time. Welcome to what can well be an interesting part of your life. Re-evaluation Counseling is not very "old." Now (in 2013) it is about sixty-three years old. It has been pursued continuously by some of us throughout that period and by more of us through a portion of that time. A great deal of information and experience has accumulated. I can't hope to summarize much of that experience in this short letter of welcome, but I can, perhaps, offer some perspectives on it that will be useful. Read more: https://www.rc.org/page/home/welcome

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