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Oxford BioTherapeutics


Oxford BioTherapeutics is an international biotechnology company focused on developing innovative antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) to treat cancer. This new treatment approach combines a number of technologies to target cancer cells with potent cell-killing agents. Our OGAP target discovery system - the largest of its type in the world - 'unlocks' the power of ADCs by providing a unique range of validated, novel targets identified from a wide range of cancer types.

Oxford BioTherapeutics


Oxford BioTherapeutics is an international biotechnology company focused on developing innovative antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) to treat cancer. This new treatment approach combines a number of technologies to target cancer cells with potent cell-killing agents. Our OGAP target discovery system - the largest of its type in the world - 'unlocks' the power of ADCs by providing a unique range of validated, novel targets identified from a wide range of cancer types.

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