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Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County


The JCC. Something for Everyone! The JCC connects people and creates community - Jewish community. Helping you discover the inviting array of opportunities to connect Jewishly in a comfortable way - no matter what level of commitment you may have – and providing those options to you is what your Jewish Community Center is all about. The Jewish Community Center, Sonoma County offers a multitude of ways to engage in some aspect of Jewish life—for you, for your children, for your whole family! No prior experience is necessary to enjoy what we’ve got to offer. Summer day camp, a county-wide teen program, lively activities for seniors, arts and culture, clubs and classes …there’s something for everyone! You are invited to get involved and lend your time, energy and talent in helping us create a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community. Call 707-528-4222 to learn more about ways you can participate. We welcome your interest and encourage your involvement!

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