
Website information and statistics (STUDNETCLEARINGHOUSE.COM)

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Online Student Verification Services | Verify Degrees & Enrollment


Use our nationwide database to immediately verify student enrollment, college degrees, and professional certifications. Quick, easy, and accurate!

MyStudentCenter by the National Student Clearinghouse


MyStudentCenter is an online resource designed to help U.S. college students, alumni, and their parents learn about the services provided on behalf of their school by the National Student Clearinghouse. These services enable students to print a verification of enrollment, verify a degree, order and track a transcript, get information on their school loans, and contact the Clearinghouse.

Transcript Services - National Student Clearinghouse


Transcript Ordering and Electronic Transcript Exchange make it easy for students to submit a secure transcript request to colleges and potential employers. These electronic transcript solutions enable college registrars to efficiently process high volumes of student transcript orders, saving money and time on university staff resources. As a long-time trusted partner in the higher education industry, the National Student Clearinghouse offers state-of-the-art college transcript solutions to ensure the safe delivery of your students' academic transcripts.

National Student Clearinghouse Research Center


The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center is a valuable source for longitudinal and other studies on higher education progress. Our nonprofit

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