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A total of 4 sites are hosted on
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LikeCell Research Center - On the frontiers of stem cell research & treatment


LikeCell Center (also known as Wu Stem Cells Medical Center) founded and led by Dr. Like Wu is the culmination of a vision to incorporate years of stem cell research into the life changing medical procedures we employ today, allowing effective treatment of some previously untreatable disorders and diseases. Our goal is to continue to provide leading edge stem cell treatment for our growing and diverse patient population. Our team of professionals not only understands how stressful our patients’ situations are, we have the capability to truly help them with our world class, clinical technology developed by our medical doctors and scientific researchers, and we will always strive to ensure the most relaxed, caring and supportive environment possible, for not only our patients, but also family members who decide to stay with us. We feel very fortunate to be in such a unique position to offer such high quality care to the worldwide community as well as to offer them new hope to move on with their lives.



China diseases of the nervous system rehabilitation treatment center

LikeCell Research Center - On the frontiers of stem cell research & treatment


LikeCell Center (also known as Wu Stem Cells Medical Center) founded and led by Dr. Like Wu is the culmination of a vision to incorporate years of stem cell research into the life changing medical procedures we employ today, allowing effective treatment of some previously untreatable disorders and diseases. Our goal is to continue to provide leading edge stem cell treatment for our growing and diverse patient population. Our team of professionals not only understands how stressful our patients’ situations are, we have the capability to truly help them with our world class, clinical technology developed by our medical doctors and scientific researchers, and we will always strive to ensure the most relaxed, caring and supportive environment possible, for not only our patients, but also family members who decide to stay with us. We feel very fortunate to be in such a unique position to offer such high quality care to the worldwide community as well as to offer them new hope to move on with their lives.

Wu Medical Center - A Leading Medical Center for Stem Cell Therapy


A medical center that specializes in stem cell treatment of various neurological disorders and diseases with a strong track record of success

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