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Over the Hill Web Consulting | Let Us Design Your Web Presence!


Welcome to Over the Hill Web Consulting. We offer a world of complete turnkey Internet services, custom designed for your business needs. First and foremost, your web presence should reflect your business philosophy, and your firm's positive image. Over The Hill Web Consulting can help insure that you get: Website design from plain to fancy, mild to wild. Whatever you have in mind, we can bring it to the web! Cutting edge technology employing the latest in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, mySQL and PHP to add sophisticated interaction to your site, while maintaining backward compatibility to older browsers. Each web site in the Over the Hill Web Consulting family reflects our focus on attention to detail, ease of navigation, innovation and creativity, as well as our un-compromised dedication to value and customer service. So, take a look around to see what we can offer your business… look at our work, and then contact Over the Hill Web Consulting for more information

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