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Alfred Maksymenko was born in Lviv in 1951. - acquired his professional education at Lviv State Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (1968-1973); - an associate professor of the department of monumental painting of Lviv National Academy of Arts; - a supervisor of training and creative workshop; - the head of scientific and methodological committee of Lviv National Academy of Arts; - an Honoured Art Worker of Ukraine; - a member of National Artist Union of Ukraine; - a bearer of the Order of Merit, 3rd degree; - a cofounder of Institute of Actual Art in Lviv; - the author of a number of theoretical works dedicated to the problem of high artistic school reformation; - the author of a synthesized educational and creative system the practical visualization of which got a title ACTACAD (actual academism). Pedagogical conception provides for the development of convincing subjectivism and individualism of a Student on the basis of profound professional training, of realizing the principles of humanistic outlook and profound national ethnic and aesthetic essence. Creative conception lies in fundamental research of different philosophy aspects of a chosen motif in heterogeneous spacious tectonic environment of a square as the most perfect and the most complete form; in realized leveling of a verge between real and abstract, sensory and associative; in minimalism of figurative means on condition of extreme distinction and equivalent attention to all levels of spacious environment; in visualization of not separate transient ideas but subconscious integral images composed in huge visual painting cycles and graphic series. - works in the sphere of monumental and easel painting, graphics, video art, and photography.

Малибу - семейный отдых в Подмосковье, Malibu, детский отдых, банкеты, корпоративный отдых, конференц-залы, гостиница


Малибу - семейный отдых в Подмосковье, Malibu, детский отдых, банкеты, корпоративный отдых, конференц-залы, гостиница

Квартиры посуточно Львов. Снять квартиру во Львове, жильё. Гостиницы Львова.


Хозяйка. Свои, без посредников, квартиры посуточно от 220 грн. Центр Львова, ж/д вокзал. Цены, фотографии, описания, выбор по карте! Гостиницы Львова. Новости.

Black Mark Studio


Студия Черная Метка

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