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ForSkills suppliers of Functional SkillsBuilder, SkillsTrack e-ILP & SkillsPortfolio


Hello and welcome to ForSkills, the home of Functional Skills delivery on the internet. In fact, we were the first company to introduce a Functional Skills package online and have now successfully delivered millions of assessments. In short, this is the home of online Functional Skills learning, giving you access to an enormous range of Functional Skills resources that are skilfully designed to involve and engage with young people and adults at every level. Our online resources are based on real-world scenarios and use the range of media your students are familiar with. They help them to develop the core skills they need in Maths, English and ICT to play an active role in life, learning and work. All of this Functional Skills learning can be done conveniently online at home, in schools, colleges, training organisations and in the workplace. All in all, this is the only online Functional Skills resource you need, and it will give you enormous support and make a major contribution to your Functional Skills teaching at every level.

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