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Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile App Development | ActiveState


The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Development. All of the Integrations and Frameworks You Need. Komodo IDE includes all of the integrations you need to stay in-the-zone and get more done. Get your favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE.

ActiveState | Open Source Languages Company


ActiveState is proven for the enterprise: more than two million developers and 97 percent of Fortune 1000 companies use ActiveState's end-to-end solutions to develop, distribute, and manage their software applications written in Java, Perl, Python, Node.js, PHP, Tcl and other dynamic languages.

Komodo IDE: The Best IDE for Web and Mobile App Development | ActiveState


The Best IDE for Web and Mobile Development. All of the Integrations and Frameworks You Need. Komodo IDE includes all of the integrations you need to stay in-the-zone and get more done. Get your favorite frameworks, languages, and tools in one cross-platform, polyglot IDE.

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