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Page Layers - Website Screenshots For Mac OS X


Page Layers is a website screenshot app for Mac OS X. It converts web pages to Photoshop files with separate layers for all page elements. It enables you to open web pages in Photoshop and saves you lots of time when re-designing or improving existing web page designs. Just open any page in the embedded browser and save the page as PSD with layers or as plain PNG image. In the HTML to PSD conversion every web page element (every image, link, block, ...) will be rendered as separate, named layer. Layer groups will be created according to the site structure. It is the only Mac OS X browser screenshot app you will ever need, unique in its capability to capture web pages with layers. System requirements: <a href="/faq/#system-requirements" style="color:#333;">Mac OS X 10.6 or later*</a>

Ralf Ebert



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