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HAL Allergy Group: Home


HAL Allergy Group is active in the field of biopharmaceuticals and is located at the Bio Science Park in Leiden, The Netherlands. Our core business is the development and manufacturing of therapies and diagnostics for allergic diseases. In addition, we offer contract manufacturing services focusing on the production of biopharmaceutical products for (pre-) clinical studies. With offices in major European countries, HAL Allergy is one of the European top players in the allergy immunotherapy business. Established in 1959 HAL Allergy has long experience in developing, producing and selling allergy therapies with an immuno-modulatory effect causing a reduction in symptoms and long-term disease suppression. The allergy therapies are used against common allergies such as hay fever, house dust mites allergy and allergic reactions towards wasp or bee stings. More information is available on: http://www.hal-allergy.com. The main shareholder of HAL Allergy GmbH is Droege International Group AG, which is an independent Advisory and Investment Company, based in Düsseldorf, Germany. More information is available on: http://www.droege-group.com.

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