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Rugged & Tough Work Clothing, Country Clothing and Tactical


<h1>Welcome to Rugged & Tough's Workwear, Country Pursuits & Tactical Online Store</h1> <p>From work trousers for men to men's shooting jackets, you have come to the right place. At <strong>Rugged & Tough</strong>, we only stock <strong>mens work clothing and mens work country clothing and kit </strong> that does what it needs to. Our core brand are Carhartt, Blaklader, Jobman and Tranemo workwear. Harkila, Seeland Jagdhund, X Jagd and Jack Pyke Country attire and accessories.</p> <p>We are a bricks and mortar store and online retailer. We offer <strong>free UK delivery</strong> and returns and also operate a local returns centre in the the USA for our North American customers</p> <p>We offer international delivery all over the Globe</p>

Wholesale Leather Supplier, UK Leather Merchants


A & A Crack & Sons are one of the UK's premier Leather Merchants, supplying the finest wholesale leathers. Our stock comes from some of the world's best tanneries.

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