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CAF Outdoor Cleaning


CAF specializes in manufacturing outdoor cleaning products -- we utilize the latest science in cleaning technology to provide the tools and solutions needed to keep the outdoor environment clean for customers with products that are safe, effective and cost efficient.We engineer the safest products so you can be confident your personnel can work in the safest environment possible. CAF products are safe for humans, plants and animals. CAF products save you money over traditional methods. Our products eliminate expenses like pressure washing and utilize super concentrates to reduce reorder frequency and save you money on shipping. CAF proves that going GREEN can save money. Contact us today for a cost audit on your current cleaning program. At CAF we want to help you clean. And when we say clean, we are not just talking about sweeping dirt under the rug, or leaving behind harmful chemicals when you are done. Our products contain ingredients designed to be safe and biodegradable, and are derived from natural materials.

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