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A total of 1 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Metal Artist Forum ~ MAF ~ The fusion of metal, passion of art, and forging of knowledge


The Metal Artist Forum ~ MAF ~ A Forum for all types of Metalwork and Finishes | Blacksmiths, Metalsmiths, Armor Makers, Knife Makers, Repousse Artists is an online community where both new and accomplished artists can share their knowledge and be inspired. Offers a permanent member's gallery showing a large selection of contemporary metal art and a free to join forum for all types of metalwork and finishes. Site with Metal Art Forums and Articles, Blacksmithing, Tools & Equipment, Forges & Forge Construction, Sculpture, Welding, Chasing and Repousse, Forming Sheetmetal, Project Photos, Plasma Cutting, Fly Presses and Tooling, Kinetic Sculpture, Jewelry, Knives, Pattern Welds and Engraving, Metal Casting, Metal Artist's Lounge, YouTube.com Videos, Patinas, Preserving Patinas, Classes and Workshops, Shows and Events, Resources, Member Homepages, The Yard Sale, and others. Monthly online demos demonstrating Raising, Repousse, Tool making, and much more! A web community of metal artists whom are here for one purpose: we want to help each other learn about metalsmithing. MAF is a free metal artists resource for networking, discussion, feedback, exhibition invites, resource sharing, publication opportunities, calls for submissions. A free to join Metal Artist Forum. Join our community today!

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