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As a women's wholesale manufacturing clothing company, we are recognized for the high quality of our apparel and accommodation to clients’ needs. Honey Punch has carried a name for itself within the fashion district of Los Angeles, California for over ten years. With this experience, we have expanded popularity not only to specialty boutiques but also to well known online retailers such as Nasty Gal and Lulu’s and major buyers like Urban Outfitters, Francesca’s, ASOS, just to name a few. Honey Punch provides chic styles from everyday wear to evening wear for women. We use the best fabric and the most vibrant colors to ensure high quality in our apparel. Our styles satisfy the needs of people who are in search of the latest trends for affordable prices. With a talented staff, Honey Punch is consistently forecasting trends for future seasons. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our company for the benefit of our clients. Honey Punch Women's Clothing Women's Wholesale Junior Clothing Young Contemporary

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