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Healthy food delivered free from top restaurants by lunch team


Healthy lunches delivered. Ever wanted someone to deliver your lunch.... for free? The Lunch.Team partners with some of the best healthy eating restaurants in the city to bring healthy lunches direct to your desk at no extra cost. No minimum order size, no minimum spend, just good old fashioned free delivery! If you are the only person to order, your lunch is still delivered. ... with no delivery charge. Now that's a refreshingly tasty idea. Want to treat the team to a well deserved lunch? The secret sauce in our software allows your colleagues to order from a variety of restaurants so everyone gets exactly what they want for lunch on the company account. Moaning is a thing of the past, promotion will definitely be a thing of the future. Tired of the same old sandwich platters? Check out our wish list of partner providers and really get your meetings off to a great start.

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