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Barchart Market Data | Financial Technology Solutions


Barchart is a leader in financial technology, market data and trading solutions. Our products include real-time streaming, delayed, end-of-day and historical market data feeds, including broadcast, snapshot, file-based and ondemand web services solutions; financial website content for brokerage firms, banks, media and commodity firms; market data and trading software for brokers, traders and analysts; as well as, Enterprise Data Management (EDM) solutions involving market data warehousing, processing and normalization, distribution, display and analytics. Barchart caters to multiple assets classes and industries including equities, commodities/futures, options, mutual funds, indices and fixed income. Our content extends past market data and into financial and commodity fundamentals, earnings and estimates, reference data, news and weather. Barchart's solutions are available off-the-shelf or customized, and are used by financial, commodity, technology and media companies around the world.

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