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Demand Planning, Forecasting, Supply Chain Management, S&OP | Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning – IBF


The Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning – IBF is a membership organization for demand planning, forecasting, and supply chain education, forecasting benchmarks, forecasting, demand planning training, forecasting certification, supply chain forecasting & planning conferences, and demand planning consulting for optimizing the supply chain. The IBF helps companies improve their forecasting and demand planning performance that enhances growth, improves inventory management, increases customer fulfillment, and improves their bottom line. It has been said that no other organization on the globe has the educational content for demand planning & forecasting that IBF disseminates throughout the world. Having some of the world’s most well known global companies as its members, the IBF is constantly finding and disseminating better ways for demand management, improving supply chain efficiency, and preserving cash. By becoming an IBF member, you can ensure that you stay current with proven best practices, link with global professionals facing similar challenges, ascend in your career, and bring your company to world-class levels in performance. The IBF is a pioneer in developing a demand planning & forecasting certification program that can help boost your credentials, a well as, give management greater confidence in its people. The IBF has two levels of the certification program: Certified Professional Forecaster (CPF®) and Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF®).

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