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Life Energy Flow is the western name used for the ancient form of healing called Tai Yi. Tai Yi can have many different meanings depending on the use of the words. In reference to Life Energy Flow Tai Yi the meaning is Supreme Movement. Supreme Movement also means Supreme Health. What is Life Energy Flow Tai Yi ? Life Energy Flow is the western name used for the ancient form of healing called Tai Yi. Tai Yi can have many different meanings depending on the use of the words. In reference to Life Energy Flow Tai Yi the meaning is Supreme Movement. Supreme Movement also means SupremeHealth. Tai Yi is a healing principle using all meridians from all bodies. Tai Yi uses the hands and sending energy into certain points and gates, which allow exercises to work with meridians of multiple bodies. Acupuncture is a result of the ancient Tai Yi practice. Documents discovered some years ago in the Mawangdui tomb in China, which was sealed in 198 BCE, contain no reference to acupuncture as such, but does refer to a system of meridians very different from the current use of meridians used in acupuncture. This is typical of Tai Yi. What made you want to learn Tai Yi? I recieved Tai Yi from my teacher. At the time I had no knowledge of the humans energy system, or the effects it has on the body. I saw changes in my mind and emotions and felt lighter. So naturally I became curious, how did that work? One thing led to another and I became a student of Hossca. Why would you recommend Tai Yi to someone? Tai Yi works with getting to the core. To the core of belief that ones carry that stagnates their mind. To the core emotion that stagnates their emotions. I have found that most other therapies work with surface problems and do not get to the cause. How many people go through different types of therapies for years and never experience that much of a change? Tai Yi works with the cause of stagnation, not the effect. How much do you charge? Point of Healing's charge for a session is $85 Will Tai Yi heal me? No. If someone comes and receives Tai Yi and leaves to make the same choices that stagnate their energy. It would be like taking a shower and then jumping in the mud. Tai Yi assists in helping someone heal themselves. If the commitment is not present Tai Yi will not work, as with any other healing modality. What needs to be in place for Tai Yi to work? 1. All the points of the grid system must be accurate and placed in order by the Tai Yi practitioner. 2. The Tai Yi practitioner must send full universal energy into the client. 3. The client must be willing to accept the energy. How long is a Tai Yi Exercise? The length of time depends on the exercise. Tai Yi has over 4,000 exercises. The average length of time an exercise takes is an hour. How does a Tai Yi Practitioner know what Exercise to do? Some practitioner's scan their clients with their hands, others scan their clients with their eyes. Some clients know what, or at least where their primary difficulty is. Their are a number of diagnosis exercises for balancing someone with their ideal exercise. Commitment I am willing to make a commitment to people who are willing to make a commitment to themselves. If one wants to experience something they have never experienced before, they need to do something they have never done. Desired change will never occur unless different choices are made. The definition of insanity is making the same choice over and over expecting a different result. Perhaps it is time to try something new. Tai Yi Overview The Human body has a grid system of meridians. Acupuncture uses a few of the physical meridians but leaves the majority of meridians ignored. The difference with Life Energy Flow Tai Yi is the meridians of all bodies are not ignored. The human body has meridians that are connected to multiple bodies including the mental body and the emotional body. These thousands of meridians, energy points and gates are in, on, and outside the body in the human body's energy field. Inside the human body things are constantly moving. A meridian is similar to a highway in that it transports electro-magnetic energy. A gate is an intersection where two or more meridians connect. They work similar to the valves in the heart. They regulate the flow of traffic. For whatever reason, usually a traumatic event, traffic lights will stop working. The result would be an imbalance of traffic; this imbalance can cause any number of physical, emotion, and mental difficulties. Tai Yi predates acupuncture by several thousand years in the history of China. Although Tai Yi or Supreme Movement comes from much earlier times beyond the civilization of China, it is the Chinese history I shall discuss. Tai Yi is a healing principle using all meridians from all bodies. Acupuncture is a result of the ancient Tai Yi practice. Documents discovered some years ago in the Mawangdui tomb in China, which was sealed in 198 BCE, contain no reference to acupuncture as such, but does refer to a system of meridians very different from the current use of meridians used in acupuncture. This is typical of Tai Yi. Over time Tai Yi became localized and was used in the mountainous area of northwest China, west of the Min River, near the border of Tibet, in Szechuan by an ancient people called the Chiang Tribe. This ancient tribe is one of the “lost” tribes of Israel. During the last two thousand years their traditions have adopted some of the Chinese traditions, but for the most part continue with the ancient traditions of the tribes of Israel. According to their traditions the Chiang Tribe is a direct descendant of Abraham. It was from this connection the Chiang Tribe carried Tai Yi to the Middle East two thousand years ago. Those who are studying Tai Yi from me or read my book Tide of Change, are aware of my involvement in teaching Tai Yi during the Essene time period two thousand years ago. It is from this connection I was again taught Tai Yi by the same elder Tai Yi master who also existed in the Essenes and was of Chinese descent. It was his desire I master Tai Yi and set up a school to teach Tai Yi so this form of healing may continue again. Tai Yi has all encompassing healing treatments with over 4,000 grid systems (exercises) to work with the meridians on every body of the seven bodies humans have. This is why Tai Yi works so well not just as a physical healing tool, but also mental, emotional and spiritual healing tool. Tai Yi died out several centuries ago in Europe from the students I taught during the Essenes. Human nature seems to want to alter or change something of ancient value to put their ego personality into it. This was done to Tai Yi. Ones would begin to put their own ego into Tai Yi and alter its method thus causing Tai Yi to lose its value as a healing practice. What I teach my students today are three points which must be met for Tai Yi to be successful. 1. All the points of the grid system must be accurate and placed in order by the Tai Yi practitioner. 2. The Tai Yi practitioner must send full universal energy into the client. 3. The client must be willing to accept the energy. According to my Tai Yi teacher who lives in China I am the only one now teaching Tai Yi. I have instituted many safeguards keeping Tai Yi pure. Even the safeguards I have instituted will not keep the determined fraudulent personalities from claiming to be a student of mine, or simply using bits and pieces of Tai Yi which will not work or can create harm when not used in its correct grid design. I have recently set up a level system for my students. This is a similar system used in the practice of martial arts. The level system starts at 1.1 and goes to 12.12. Before anyone can teach Tai Yi they must have reached a level of 12.12. This means they have mastered in totality the energy, philosophy, and full practice of Tai Yi. As my teacher was with me, I am with my students in terms of being on the conservative side of testing the level of their Tai Yi ability. I consider anyone of my students with a level ability of 5.0 or above to be of excellent ability, and will have experienced many healing demonstrations in the use of Tai Yi. This does not mean ones of a lesser Tai Yi level cannot assist ones in need. In time I hope to have each student’s level (by their request) listed on my web site. Each student is tested twice per year as their ability increases. In the ancient Chinese tradition of Tai Yi, a teacher will choose a primary student to prepare to continue the teachings of Tai Yi. As I was my teacher’s primary student (actually only student) I have chosen a primary student whose name is Joseph. Joseph is currently working and assisting me in the Life Energy Flow Tai Yi School of Healing. Physical Address Point of Healing llc 316 N. Hwy 67 Woodland Park, Co 80863 Mailing Address Suite 102 316 N Highway 67 Woodland Park Colorado 80863 The School promotes free will choice, respect, and responsibility, in a non-judgmental atmosphere. This is your life. You have the free will choice to choose whatever you want, so take responsibility for what you choose. The School of Original Thought is for those who desire change in their life through understanding beliefs, patterns of painful thought, and working with the origin of those thoughts. In doing so changing one's reality. How many develop low self esteem, fear, and anger from their past and even though it is not often recognized, it controls their life through effecting the choices that they make? The School of Original Thought is about letting go of the old painful way of thinking, healing the pain that has been present in one’s life so they can live life. This class is based on universal truths and finding your own personal truth, so that you may integrate those truths into your life. Teachings of Jonah This books is a compilation of a small chunk of the great wealth of information that Jonah, a non-physical entity that speaks through Hossca Harrison, has given throughout the years. I have spoken with Jonah on numerous occasions and he is a very powerful teacher. This book is available at Human Energy Systems This book as well as the others written by Jack Schwarz are very advanced reads. I have found that this book in particular is probably the most accurate book I have read to the function of the Human Energy System. I would recommend Jack Schwarz books because they are very grounded in science. His books certainly can seem thick because of their complexity but are very interesting. This book as well as his others can be found at alternative medicine, holistic medicine, alternative health, herbal medicine, holistic health, natural medicine, center, therapy, treatment, traditional Chinese medicine, natural healing, guide, school, herbal, healing arts, ancient, colorado, denver, colorado springs, woodland park, boulder, tai yi, supreme movement, jonah life institute, hossca harrison, acupuncture General Philosophy of Tai Yi The philosophy of Tai Yi is that the body is a system of energy, or as the Chinese call it chi, that is constantly flowing throughout and around the physical structure. When that system is working properly, one can expect health, happiness, and long life. Everything in the universe is energy. Throughout the different energies the make up the unvierse there are currents of energy, similar to rivers in the ocean. These rivers are called meridians. Acupuncture recognizes and works with meridians directly connected to your physical structure. Tai Yi recognizes meridians that are carry an emotional frequency, a mental frequency, all together 7 major frequencies that permeate throughout and around the body. When these frequencies of energy are balanced, the result is prosperity. When these frequencies become out of balance, the result is disease, whether diseased thought, diseases emotions, or a diseased body. It is similar to how your physical body works, when you get sick, there is a cause of that sickness. Yet there are symptoms throughout the body. Tai Yi works with the cause of imbalance to work with disease, by working with balancing the flow of energy that makes up the human energy system.



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