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Our Little Universe your support forum for your Home life, hobbies & crafts, careers & relationships, current events, religion & lively debates, novels or movies. Share a favorite recipe, make gardening plans, plan a trip, join a scrapbook exchange. Start an interactive journal, pregnancy, child birth & bringing home baby, infertility, adoption, loss, parenthood, journals, virtual playgroup, Wedding, pre-engagement, engagement, showers, stag(ette)s, rehearsals, honeymoon, anniversaries, vow renewals.


Our Little Universe is a forum that deals with every day life and all the fun that comes with it. From home life, hobbies & crafts, careers & relationships through to current events, religion & lively debates. You can be as involved as you want! Grab a cup of coffee and discuss the meaning behind your favorite novel or movie. Share a favorite recipe, make gardening plans, plan a trip, join a scrapbook exchange. Start an interactive journal, or hang out in the chat room! Thats just a small glimpse of what you will find behind these virtual doors. Becoming parents & making it through parenthood, in one piece! From thinking about conceiving, to actually trying, pregnancy to child birth & bringing home baby. There are special areas focused on dealing with infertility issues, adoption and loss. You will always find help & support through your adventures in parenthood. Swap parenting tips, jump into interactive journaling, join a virtual playgroup and make new friends. A true online community that is second to none! Planning a wedding and all the fun that comes with it. From pre-engagement, engagement, showers, stag(ette)s, rehearsals to the wedding and honeymoon, right through to anniversaries and vow renewals. Come share your excitement, apprehension and all emotions that go along with the most important decision of your life. There are many others who share your feelings so jump right in and join the fun!

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