
Website information and statistics (WBT29.ASIAWHERE.COM)

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DragonSoft Security Associates, Inc. - The Leading Brand of Vulnerability Scanner MADE IN TAIWAN,DragonWAF Web Application Firewall,SQL Injection,shellcode, Encoding Attack


DragonSoft Security Associates, Inc. achieved first CVE(Common Vulnerability and Exposure) certification in Asia Pacific. The excellence in vulnerability management makes DragonSoft one of top global information security expert organizations. DragonSoft dedicates on research and development of network security software, deliver optimized network scanning service and strengthen system security. DragonSoft does not only offer top customer service, but also the only security vendor who provides English and Chinese vulnerability database worldwide. DragonSoft Vulnerability Management claims No. 1 market share in Taiwan by its national-made vulnerability assessment software. As security environment tightened, DragonSoft became exclusive distributor of RioRey DDoS solution from USA, which efficiently delivers DDoS solution with latest technology. DragonWAF 2010 web application firewall is launched in late 2009 to serve personal information security market.

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