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Home - Ruth Lake Country Club


Ruth Lake Country Club is a private club nestled in the desirable Hinsdale, IL community. Find out about the merits of a Ruth Lake membership. Ruth Lake is a country and golf club located in Hinsdale, IL. Ruth Lake Country Club provides it's members with the ultimate private club experience. A recently renovated 18 hole golf course by the course architectural firm of Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates in Toledo, OH,. The new clubhouse was completed in 1995, featuring four private event rooms that seat from 32 to 250 guests. Ruth Lake is proud of its culinary team which is known as one of the most experienced and creative in the midwest private club industry. Wedding receptions, anniversary parties, birthday celebrations, wedding and baby showers, small and large business meetings, high speed internet capabilities, golf tournaments, tennis programs for juniors and adults, swim & dive team events and beautiful outdoor dining and seating are some of the advantages of a Ruth Lake membership.

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