
Website information and statistics (ACSMEKEOCS.GS10.MTSVC.NET)

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Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Metropolitan ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery Alexandria Virginia VA 22310 | Ear, Nose Throat Doctors | Allergists | Hearing Audiology | Snoring and Sleep


Metropolitan ENT & Facial Plastic Surgery is a group of board certified otolaryngologists and facial plastic surgeons who are dedicated to bringing their expertise in the field of ear, nose and throat disorders as well as cosmetic facial plastic surgery. We offer state of the art procedures and a wide range of services including sinus care, allergy, audiology, snoring disorders and cosmetic surgical and non surgical services.

The Firshein Center * Integrative Medicine New York * Acupuncture * Allergy * Anti-Aging Wellness Programs and Pain Management


Dr. Richard N. Firshein, founder and medical director of The Firshein Center for Comprehensive Medicine in New York City, is a leading pioneer in the field of Integrative Medicine He is board certified in Family Medicine and a certified medical Acupuncturist. In his 25 years of practice, Dr. Firshein has written four groundbreaking books including Reversing Asthma and the Vitamin prescription for Life.

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