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Divaderme Cosmetics • Lash Extender II • Brow Extender II • Fiber Wings Mascara II • Eyes Diamond II


Divaderme is a world famous luxurious line of unique 2 in 1 beauty products, a perfect fusion of 100% natural Problem Solution Cosmetics + Advanced Lavish Treatments. Developed by a family team of visionaries, inventors, natural chemists, and professional artists, Divaderme has evolved science and nature’s secrets to create the most prestigious formulations imaginable. Divaderme’s beautiful long lashes, perfectly shaped eyebrows, luscious shimmering lips, flawless makeup and radiant skincare are in a class of their own. For over 30 years, Divaderme’s sophisticated Semi-Permanent niche products perform with unparalleled refinement and instant dramatic results. Each treatment is prepared with nature’s finest ingredients creating the world’s most innovative avant-garde formulations. A perfect fusion of art, science and luxury Divaderme delivers amazing products with effortless elegance. Luminous textures and a pallet of chic European ultra feminine colors are used to create timeless beauty. Divaderme is the choice of the world’s most discerning women.

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