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The finest handcrafted oak and cherry Amish furniture available worldwide.


The finest handcrafted real wood oak and cherry furniture available on the Internet




Hickory Hill Miniature Donkey Farm in Texas


Our farm is located in Leon County, just west of I-45N between Madisonville and Centerville. As donkey collectors, we have acquired three nice breeding jacks (one is spotted, and the other two are sorrel) and a nice herd of brood jennets, delightful yearlings, very sociable weanlings and a captivating nursery. We are dedicated to producing healthy, lovable miniature donkeys for breeding, showing or just to enjoy as a special family pet. When you are in our area of Texas, please stop by; visitors are always welcome! We are committed to finding the best home for each and every donkey that we offer for sale. Our donkeys are gentle and affectionate, in good health and \"love to be loved.\" All of our donkeys are on proper schedules for vaccinations (including the West Nile virus), de-worming and hoof care. Donkeys are herd animals, and to avoid undue stress and loneliness, it is strongly recommended that they not be kept singly but with another animal, preferably a miniature donkey, as a life-long friend. To help you with your purchase, we offer up to a six-month layaway plan. Our goal is to make your ownership experience positive and pleasurable and to ensure that our donkeys are placed in an environment where they will be well taken care of and treasured.




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