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Industrial Threaded Products


Industrial Threaded Products Inc is the largest and fastest growing distributor of fasteners and related components in the West. ITP has become a diverse and experienced supplier to a number of industries. Located strategically throughout California and Arizona, ITP delivers product, price, and service, which enables us to provide the full scope of timely services necessary to meet our customer’s requirements.Industrial Threaded Product inc. was founded by our previous president and first generation owner Ron Futrell in 1979. Since then, ITP has transformed from a small industrial fastener distributor into a global supply chain service provider. Substantial growth over the years has been fueled by many industries such as the construction trades, automotive aftermarket, pool and spa, pump and valve, cryogenics and solar. Through all the tides of the different economies and changes in the world, we believe that our core competencies have always stayed the same.

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