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Scrapbook & Cards Today - an internationally read papercrafting magazine


Scrapbook & Cards Today (SCT) is the first Canadian, and free to consumer, scrapbook and cards magazine. SCT is published quarterly, bringing a seasonally-inspired flavour to each and every issue. This unique publication showcases high quality products from a vast number of manufacturers along with up-to-the-minute ideas and techniques to enhance your creativity. SCT prides itself on its commitment to providing a product that is not only beautifully laid-out and designed, but that is informative, interesting and inspiring as well. This publication is consistently striving to deliver a contemporary, practical and inviting message to its readers, while at the same time upholding its core values: creativity, community, individuality and respect for the environment. Scrapbook and Cards Today welcomes you and hopes that you will stay awhile and see what it has to offer publisher, catherine tachdjian.

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