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PMI Canadian West Coast Chapter


PMI Canadian West Coast Chapter provides PMP / ACP training, PDU programs, networking, volunteer and mentorship opportunities for Project Managers.

Welcome To The PMI Buffalo Site


The PMI Buffalo Chapter was founded in 1995 to support the visions of PMI (Project Management Institute) in the Western New York area. The following pages describe the various activities of the chapter, some of the people that are actively involved in promoting project management in WNY, and tools that will help you further develop your project management expertise. PMI Buffalo Vision: The Buffalo Chapter will be recognized as a dynamic organization promoting the Project Management Institute (PMI) and professional project management practices in the Buffalo Niagara Regional area. PMI Buffalo Mission Statement: The Buffalo Chapter will provide a forum to promote PMI standards and to strengthen stakeholders’ knowledge, awareness and understanding of Project Management principles, tools and techniques. PMI Buffalo Key Strategies: * Deliver increased value to membership and stakeholders through an extensive, high-quality program offering. * Increase awareness of PMI within the community through the development of relationships with organizations including local companies, educational facilities, not-for-profit organizations and other chapters. * Grow membership through a comprehensive recruitment and retention program. pmi, pmi chapter, pmi buffalo chapter, project management, buffalo, buffalo jobs, pmp, pmp certification, project manager, project management institute

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