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Welcome to IAC Imports


Welcome to IAC Imports - quality firearm imports from around the world. Featuring classic reproductions of shotguns from the 1800's and 1900's for cowboy shooters and high quality .45 automatic pistols based on the famous 1911 platform.

ALKALINE FOODS—ALKALINE DIET—HIGH ALKALINE Foods | Alkaline Foods List | Alkaline Diet Plan | Acid Alkaline Food Chart | Alkaline Diet Recipes


Acid-Forming diets lead to indigestion (acid indigestion) that eventually creates a condition known as 'acidosis' or 'chronic acidosis' which acidify body tissue. This acidification process weakens the health quality of all body tissues by choking off the oxygen within cells and eventualy compromises the immune system. Low-grade body tissue that is not well-oxygenated is the perfect environment that leads to all sorts of diseased conditions such as cancer, heart disease, strokes, nutrient deficiencies, memory loss, poor athletic performance and mony others such as bone, skin, liver, lungs, brain and blood diseases. All of these conditions are, for the most part, due to acid-forming diets that violate the acid/alkaline blood ratios of your body cells. Since cancer is one of the leading causes of death, it should behoove us to learn about what causes cancer in its early development stages, namely acidosis, and to learn that one of the keys to cancer prevention is eating an anti-cancer diet, also referred to as the acid alkaline diet. So what is the perfect cancer diet? The AAA Diet® (Acid Alkaline Association) is the only alkaline diet that can alkalize and oxygenate body cells by eating alkaline foods that are properly food combined. The alkaline foods list contains many high alkaline foods that make great alkaline diet recipes. This list follows an alkaline diet plan according to a specific acid alkaline food chart for maximum nutrient absorption by all body cells.

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