
Website information and statistics (HOST2.CPSWEBSERVICES.COM)

A total of 3 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

North American Box Turtles



The Russian Tortoise


This site is dedicated to providing exchange of ideas and information to create a better understanding of the care and breeding of the Russian Tortoise. (Testudo horsfieldii, horsfield, Agrionemys, Steppe)

Turtle Rescue of Long Island


The Long Island Turtle Rescue is a small local rescue for turtles and tortoises, however any turtle or tortoise needing a home from anywhere in the states will never be turned away. We will do our best to place any turtle or tortoise which can no longer be kept for whatever reason. Many people buy a turtle or tortoise and know very little about their care and don’t realize how large or how long turtles and tortoises can live with proper care. Others just find they can no longer care for their turtle or tortoise and just want to find it a good home. Whichever the case, we hope to help find good homes for those that need them. Whether you need to find a home for your turtle or tortoise or would like to adopt a turtle or tortoise just let us know and we’ll do our best to help.

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