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As a Business & Professional Development Coach - I'll help you discover the 3 Secrets How to Reach Your Goal - San Diego Personal Development & Business Coach | Miguel A. de Jesus, Be Successful! Personal Coaching - San Diego Life Coach | Miguel de Jesus Business Coaching


In my role as executive coach and business consultant, I come across many opportunities to assess and evaluate technology based solutions at the enterprise, department and individual level. While technology implementations can represent challenges and occasional risks at deployment, to ignore the current patterns and solutions to improving interest in your company solutions as a product or service, could be very costly to your top line performance. There are Seven Musts of Marketing that benefit from the integration of current technology based solutions. One of them is Direct Mail. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Keith Goodman, Corporate VP Sales for Modern Postcard, with Corporate offices in Carlsbad, and a Chamber member, who shared his perspectives on this very important strategic component of business development.

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