
Website information and statistics (BLUEGENERATION.COM)

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Blue Generation Div. M. Rubin & Sons, Inc.


Manufacturers of Logo Ready Apparel for the Promotional Products industry including uniforms, corporate apparel, service wear, hotels, restaurants and teams, Collections include pique knit polo shirts, moisture wicking shirts, woven poplin, twill, denim and oxford shirts, polar fleece outerwear and golf jackets, pants, shorts and aprons for men ladies and youth. Renown for more colors and sizes to fit everyone! Men’s sizes S-10XL and Big& Tall, Ladies sizes S-4XL, Colors include kiwi, yellow, mango, orange, pink, sangria, berry, mulberry, red, burgundy, purple, violet, grape, light blue, slate blue, french blue, royal, navy, turquoise, aqua, jade, sage, olive, forest, Kelly, hunter, cactus, vegas gold, maize, natural, coral, burnt orange, chocolate, tan, string, white, grey, graphite, black, khaki, optic yellow, safety orange, faded denim, vintage denim.

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