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CVEC | Home


Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CVEC) is a public utility, owned by its customers, operating on a cooperative, not-for-profit basis, dedicated for the benefit of its customers in the East Central Region of Oklahoma. Canadian Valley was incorporated on November 10, 1939 and organized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma and the provisions of the United States Rural Electrification Act. Canadian Valley Electric has since been in continuous business operation (65+ years) of providing electric utility service and meeting the electrical needs of its customers in an area from the Eastern extremes of Oklahoma City to the shores of Lake Eufaula in Eastern Oklahoma. The territory served by Canadian Valley Electric is bounded on the North by the Deep Fork of the North Canadian River and on the South by the South Canadian River. The service area includes approximately 3,500 square miles covering all or parts of the following Counties: Oklahoma, Cleveland, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Lincoln, Creek, Hughes, Okfuskee, Okmulgee and McIntosh

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