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Dakota Granite - Granite Products for the Memorial, Architectural and Commercial Industries


Dakota Granite is the leading quarrier and manufacturer of stone/granite products in the United States. Our manufacturing plant and quarries are located at our headquarters near Milbank, in Grant County, South Dakota. Dakota Granite offers a complete line granite products manufacture in the U.S.A in the memorial and architectural industries. Our memorial division supplies family memorials, headstones, granite mausoleums, granite columbaria, veteran memorials, and civic & community memorials. The products line of the architectural division includes cladding, granite facing, granite countertops, landscape products and granite pavers. The commercial division has a selection of Dakota Mahogany bulk granite blocks in inventory. Dakota Mahogany, Whetstone, American Bouquet, Bellingham and Brown Velvet Mahogany are granites quarried by Dakota Granite company.

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