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Ayurveda Hospitals Kerala Treatment Massage Hospital Treatments Kerala Training Course Kerala Trivandrum Ayurvedic Medicines Doctor India Kerala Ayurvedic massage centre Ayurveda massage spa Kerala India


Ayurveda Hospitals Kerala and Ayurveda Panchakarma Hospital Treatments Kerala offered by Kerala Ayurvedic Health Care, which is one of the traditional Ayurveda Hospitals in Kerala. Ayurveda hospitals Kerala provides Traditional Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatments, Ayurveda Massage, in Kerala, Trivandrum, Ayurveda Doctor Consultation and Ayurvedic Training, in Trivandrum, Kerala. Ayurveda Hospitals Kerala offers Rejuvenation, Relaxation and Detoxification Panchakarma Ayurvedic Treatments and Massage with Ayurvedic Medicines. Kerala Ayurvedic Health Care Offers, 7, 14 and 30 days Traditional Ayurveda Panchakarma Training course at our Ayurveda College, Ayurvedic Institute, for Ayurveda Training course in Kerala. Kerala Ayurvedic Health Care provides Ayurveda Equipments - Wooden Droni (Massage Table), Wooden Dhara Pathy, Shirodhara Equipments, Steam chambers etc. Ayurvedic Hospitals Kerala offers Ayurveda Treatments for Diabetes, Slip Disc, Spondylitis, Joint Pain, Migraine, Obesity, Psoriasis, Arthritis, General Fatigue, Hair Loss, Insomnia, Skin Disease, Ulcers, Gynaecological Problems, Kidney Problems Asthma, Bronchitis, Paralysis, Parkinson's diseases etc. Ayurveda Hospital Kerala provides IP Ayurveda Treatments for Hair fall, Skin care, Back Pain, Migraine and offers special health care packages like Hair care, body care, Slimming packages, Weight Loss packages and face care packages. We are starting our Centres soon at Noida, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad, also in Turkey, Sharjah, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait




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