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Footcandy |


The boutique is located in the Napa Valley, in the town of Saint Helena and has been active for the last 14 years. Footcandy carries high end, designer shoes and handbags from Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo, and Manolo Blahnik all under one roof. Carolyn and Perry Butler have created a shoe-lover's heaven, attracting locals, tourists, and celebrities to their museum-like boutique. One of their biggest accomplishments has been the Footcandy footwear line. In October of 2010 Carolyn and Perry released our own Footcandy collection inspired by best sellers that we have had throughout the years at an exceptional price point. A Footcandy collection has been released every year since and met with huge success.If you are looking for luxury handbags, shoes, accessories, phone tablets and cases and more come on in and visit us in St. Helena or online today.

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