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FIE: Magnetos, Mechanical Fuel Injection & EFI, Fuel Injection Enterprises, LLC


Fuel Injection Enterprises is the home of the Super-Mag and Sprintmag! We manufacture new Super-mags and Sprintmags and supply the world with parts, drives and coils for the former Mallory product line. We're also MSD Pro-Mag and Vertex dealers. We can rebuild/refurbish and upgrade any magneto for more output at the sparkplug. FIE can also service, rebuild and flowtest your Enderle, Hilborn, Kinsler, or Waterman fuel injection pump. We flow test and match nozzles and flow entire mechanical fuel injection systems to find the optimal tuneup for your competition vehicle. We carry Enderle & Hilborn components. Check out our new Old School EFI conversions. A retro looking EFI conversion for stack injectors.

FIE: Magnetos, Mechanical Fuel Injection & EFI, Fuel Injection Enterprises, LLC


Fuel Injection Enterprises is the home of the Super-Mag and Sprintmag! We manufacture new Super-mags and Sprintmags and supply the world with parts, drives and coils for the former Mallory product line. We're also MSD Pro-Mag and Vertex dealers. We can rebuild/refurbish and upgrade any magneto for more output at the sparkplug. FIE can also service, rebuild and flowtest your Enderle, Hilborn, Kinsler, or Waterman fuel injection pump. We flow test and match nozzles and flow entire mechanical fuel injection systems to find the optimal tuneup for your competition vehicle. We carry Enderle & Hilborn components. Check out our new Old School EFI conversions. A retro looking EFI conversion for stack injectors.

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