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Toothpick Art


Steven J. Backman is famous for creating one-of-a-kind toothpick sculptures.

STATUES ALIVE : Human statues for corporate functions and special events


Statues Alive is an innovative live statue and mime company designed to offer the best in bodypainted living statues, in Toronto, Canada and worldwide. They combine stunning decor and live entertainment all in one. Their airbrushed human statues have appeared on TV, films, music videos and commercials. The beauty of their body art on frozen still male and female models is a hit at galas, tradeshows, corporate functions/events, weddings and basically any live event. There are very few things that stand out like a company logo painted on the canvas of a muscular human body. Also Mime to Mime Productions a division of their unique company offers Etenem Oton as ET the Mime, who's considered Toronto's best mime artist.

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