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OraSure Technologies, Inc.


Based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, OraSure Technologies develops, manufactures and markets point-of-care, oral fluid specimen collection devices that leverage proprietary oral fluid technologies, diagnostic products, including immunoassays and other in vitro diagnostic tests, and other medical devices.These products include tests for the detection of antibodies for the HCV virus, including OraQuick@reg; HCV, HIV virus, including OraQuick ADVANCE® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test and the OraSure® HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection Device, and oral fluid testing solutions for drugs of abuse testing, including Intercept® Oral Fluid Drug Testing System and Q.E.D.® Saliva Alcohol Test.

OraSure Technologies, Inc.


Based in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, OraSure Technologies develops, manufactures and markets point-of-care, oral fluid specimen collection devices that leverage proprietary oral fluid technologies, diagnostic products, including immunoassays and other in vitro diagnostic tests, and other medical devices.These products include tests for the detection of antibodies for the HCV virus, including OraQuick@reg; HCV, HIV virus, including OraQuick ADVANCE® Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody Test and the OraSure® HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection Device, and oral fluid testing solutions for drugs of abuse testing, including Intercept® Oral Fluid Drug Testing System and Q.E.D.® Saliva Alcohol Test.

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