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Style Expert Sharon Haver - Fashion Advice - Stylist Tips - Chic Style Inspiration- FocusOnStyle, online since 1999


Learn insider chic fashion & style expert tips to make you shine! Confidently learn to be your own personal stylist with seasoned Fashion - Style Expert Sharon Haver, the fashion mentor to grown-up women to refine their chic + ageless style so they can confidently pull their look together every day with ease. The FocusOnStyle.com fashion style blog, founded in 1999 offers her free fashion stylist advice, along with premium offers like the C’est Chic Crash Course and VIP One on One Personal Style Mentoring. Sharon’s been featured in 100's of media outlets and here to help you with professional fashion tips on what to wear, how to wear it, ageless+ age-appropriate style & beauty advice, French chic, runway reviews + the best of the latest trends for everyday can-do chic!

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