
Website information and statistics (HTOUCH.HEALINGTOUCHPROGRAM.COM)

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Home - Healing Touch Programâ„¢ | Worldwide Leaders in Energy Medicine


Healing Touch Program is a leader in energy medicine, offering a multi-level certification program to individuals and healthcare professionals desiring an in-depth understanding and practice of healing work using energy based concepts that support the integration of healing arts with conventional medicine.

Home - Healing Touch Professional Association


The Healing Touch Professional Association (HTPA) is a membership association established with the support of the Healing Touch Program (HTP), to provide the HT Community - HT students, practitioners, instructors and friends of Healing Touch, a vehicle to actively participate in the future of Healing Touch.

Home - Worldwide Directory of Healing Touch Practitioners | Your Connection to Wellness


Find Healing Touch Practitioners in your area. Healing Touch Program is a leader in energy medicine, offering a multi-level certification program to individuals and healthcare professionals desiring an in-depth understanding and practice of healing work using energy based concepts that support the integration of healing arts with conventional medicine.

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