
Website information and statistics (PERFORA.NET)

A total of 11 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Papoom.com - Smart parenting. Smart shopping. - shop, search, news, & other parenting information.


Papoom.com - Smart parenting. Smart shopping. for everything family. Shop, Search, News, Information, & More

Pedigree System, Inc. - Home


Pedigree System, Inc., Sevierville

Did We Lose Weight? Only Top Diets Reviewed ...


We are sure that you have come across countless numbers of Medifast ads plastered all over the Internet by now and wondered what is this diet program really all about. There is just so much promotion going on for Medifast that some of our readers have written us asking us to give the real scoop on this weight loss diet program, to which we have obliged. So the big question among our readers is what exactly is Medifast? Does it really live up to its claim that you can lose weight fast and safely? Can you really lose weight by eating six meals a day just as Medifast requires? These are just among some of the questions that we'll try to answer as we look into this program in detail.

...and the list of the remaining 6:

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