
Website information and statistics (HEALTHBASE.COM)

A total of 1 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Medical Tourism - Medical Travel Abroad - USA - Health Tour India - Overseas Surgery - Surgical Tourism


Healthbase, the leading medical tourism company is the trusted source for global health care choices - Medical Tourism, connecting patients to worldclass medical, dental and cosmetic surgery facilities overseas. Healthbase is the one-stop source for all medical tour needs and helps the health tourists to research and arrange their medical care including necessary travel, tour, accommodation and sight-seeing, all at one place. We arrange first class services for patients at major internationally accredited hospitals like JCI, ISO in Thailand, India, Singapore, Turkey, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and expanding to Hungary, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina. The cost of surgical care at our ever growing network of affiliated institutions is typically a fraction of the cost of care in USA, UK or Europe, with equal or superior outcomes. The savings are up to 80%. Healthbase offers more than 200 procedures like Birmingham hip resurfacing, knee surgery, spinal decompression, cardiac bypass surgery, Total knee replacement, Abdominal Aneurysm, dental implants, liposuction, lap band surgery, gastric bypass and more. Visit www.healthbase.com for details.

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