
Website information and statistics (S22.PRACTISINC.COM)

A total of 14 sites are hosted on
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Swedish Urology Group - Located in Seattle, WA providing state of the art urologic care to patients in Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.


Located in Seattle, Washington the Swedish Urology Group is situated on the main campus of Swedish Hospital Medical Center and has been serving the greater northwest for more than thirty years. Offering services to patients in Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Our board certified Urologists are highly skilled in all the aspects of general urology utilizing the latest technology for diagnosis as well as medical and surgical treatment including the minimally invasive daVinci Robotic surgical system. Our surgeons are recognized experts in the fields of laparoscopy, cryosurgery, female urinary incontinence and all types of treatment for urologic cancers. This includes kidney, prostate, and bladder.

Albany Gastroenterology Consultants


Albany Gastroenterology Consultants is established for the purpose of providing the highest level of hepatic and digestive disease care to all our patients.

Urologist Miami, Florida Urology Physician - Medical Doctor


We are recognized as a premier urologist in Miami, providing medical and surgical services to male and female patients in greater Miami and around the world.

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