
Website information and statistics

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IMEX in Frankfurt


IMEX in Frankfurt is the efficient, one-stop-shop for planners looking to book and organise worldwide meetings, events and incentive travel programmes. Run by meetings professionals for meetings professionals, we’re committed to providing outstanding business opportunities for exhibitors and buyers alike. And of course, our hallmark Hosted Buyer programme is at the core of the show. 3,500 exhibitors come to IMEX each year (including tourist boards, convention bureaus, international hotel chains, airlines and destination management companies). They’re poised to do business with the 9,000 visitors (including almost 4,000 hosted buyers) who attend during three energetic and very inspirational days. IMEX buzzes with activity, sound and energy, driving business with the force of global opportunities. If you’re in the meetings industry, this is the show for you.

IMEX Exhibitions



IMEX America: The Worldwide Meetings and Incentive Travel Exhibition


IMEX America sets the pace for doing business on an international scale. Increasing in size and scope annually, this event features the largest hosted buyer program in North America and attracts thousands from the U.S. and around the world. The energy at IMEX America is everywhere, connecting everyone there with key players, generating innovative ideas and driving business with the force of global opportunities. Plug into the power source at IMEX America: the pulse of the meetings industry.

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