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The Custom IEM Company | Custom In Ear Monitors | Custom IEMs | In Ear Monitoring | UK


The Custom IEM Company. Custom In Ear Monitors, Custom IEMs and In Ear Monitoring in the UK by: JH Audio, Unique Melody, 1964 Ears, Ultimate Ears, ACS Custom, Heir Audio, Puretone, Sleek Audio, Westone, Minerva, Alien Ears, Rooth, Aurisonics and M-Fidelity. At The Custom IEM Company, In Ear Monitors is what we do! We are the home of custom in ear monitors in the UK, you won’t find a better selection anywhere else, you won’t find a better selection of demo models anywhere else! You won’t find another company in the UK that is more experienced and dedicated to looking after you, the musician, the audiophile! We currently offer Custom In Ear Monitors with 1-6 or even 8 drivers and by using us you are able to talk to an expert face-to-face (or on the phone or via email of course). You will have your ear impressions taken by a qualified professional who knows exactly how to make sure they're perfect for your requirements. We'll handle your order from end-to-end, start-to-finish, you won't have the hassle of not knowing how good your ear impressions are until it’s too late, or the hassle of shipping costs, bank fees, import duty and low paypal exchange rates either! With no trouble at all, we can match your budget and requirements, discuss artwork and colour choices - We have the experience to look after all types of musicians, bands and music professionals including singers, vocalists, drummers, bass players, guitarists, monitoring engineers and many more, if you're in the music industry and need custom in ear monitors, you'll need us. Basically we have everything covered, Think Custom IEMs, Think The Custom IEM Company...

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