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INDEVCO Group Soap and Detergent Packaging - Request Quotes


INDEVCO Group manufacturing plants produce plastic packaging and corrugated packaging for the industrial sector. Products include: adhesive surface protection film, air bubble rolls, bitumen membranes - HDPE films, machine & manual stretch film, industrial semi-finished aluminum products, industrial semi-finished plastic laminates, pallet covers, paper cores, paper valve sacks, PE films for printing, PE laminating film, PE printed protective film, PE shrink hood rolls, PE stretch hood films for pallet wrapping, power pre-stretch film, protective release film, shrink wrap film, warning tapes, bulk bins, corrugated laminated sheets, heavy-duty boxes, pre-print kraft paper rolls & standard corrugated boxes. Produced by Unipak, Unipak Nile, Easternpak, Unipak Hellas, COMPACT, Uniplast, Napco Modern Plastic Products Company - Sack Division, Napco Modern Plastic Products Company - Technical Division, National Paper Products Company, Napco United Plastic Products Company (UPPC) & MASTERPAK.

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