
Website information and statistics (NS355110.OVH.NET)

A total of 2 sites are hosted on
Here are the first 5 as they would appear when searched for:

Free-opinion.com - Your opinion matters - express yourself!


Free-opinion.com is created for people who are aware of the events in their city, country, continent or world. Here you can create a question which may be important to many people and see how people think of your question. Questions in this site are displayed as polls, where everyone can vote and add comments. The questions can only have two possible options - it is the easiest way to find people's opinion on various poll, because every poll gets their shape as white-vs-black.

Israel vs. Palestine | Share your opinion about Gaza Strip conflict! - Free-opinion.com - Your opinion matters - express yourself!


Free-opinion.com is created for people who are aware of the events in their city, country, continent or world. Here you can create a question which may be important to many people and see how people think of your question. Questions in this site are displayed as polls, where everyone can vote and add comments. The questions can only have two possible options - it is the easiest way to find people's opinion on various poll, because every poll gets their shape as white-vs-black.

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